Flug Ethiopia Airlines von Wien via Addis Abeba nach Cotonou für 570 Euro p.P. vom 10. bis 18. Nov. 2022. Visa Togo: 40 Euro, Visa Benin:50 Euro. Gesamtverbrauch ohne Flug und Visa 490 € p.P. Anreise mit Flixbus bzw. zurück mit ÖBB nach/von Wien. Hotels zw. 30 euro im Oasis und 85 euro im Casa del Papa bezahlt. 1 Euro ist 650 CFA, überall zu dem gleichen. Kurs gewechselt.

Reiseroute: Cotonou - Calavi - Ganvie - Porto Novo - Ouidah - Grand Popo - Grenze Benin/Togo - Aneho - Agbodrafo - Togoville - Coco Beach Lome - Lome

Besonderes: Menderes ähnlicher Flixbus Fahrer Dreamliner Boing 787 nacg Addis mit Panoramafenster. Huhn oder Fisch bei Ethiopia Air Super die Motorrad Taxis (Zemijohn) in Benin, aber man verliert sich auch rasch. Einmal zu dritt auf Motorradtaxi Arielle unser Hotelmanagerin vom Hotel Riviera. Armstrong unser nigerisn/benin Freund am Markt von Dantopka Zangbeto Begräbnis in Ganvia Ayala unser Guide in Ganvia Ausflug zum Stelzendorf Ganvia mit Hotel und Moschee. Porto novo Mosque mehr als 20 Personen im Taxi Brousse, so gross wie Multivan Gambas Essen in Maquis de Port Fischern in Ouidah beum Rausziehen der Fische geholfen. Primeleil der hilfreiche Mitarbeiter von Zinsou Museum mit dem Motorrad durch Ouidah mit Sklavenstrasse und Strand Auto geholfen aus dem Schlamm zu ziehen und befreien, die gleichen 3 afrik. Personen (2 Männer und 1 Frau) am Nachmittag in Casa del Papa getroffen. Sie haben sich bedankt. Angel die Guide durch den Python Tempel, Python am Hals bei mir und S F. Sonnenuntergang Casa del Papa und Lagune mit Steg dort. Am Pool vom Casa del Papa mit afrikan. Wasserballspielern. Von Oiudah nach Grand Popo von George (Nigerianer) mitgenommen, War sehr nett. Er handelt mit Kfz Ersatzteilen in Ghana und Nigeria. In Grand Popo mit Motorrädern zum wunderschön gelegenen Auberge de Grand Popo und Mono River. Von Grand Popo bis zur Grenze mit Taxi Brousse. Mit Mann aus Ghana angefreundet, der Engl. und Französ. spricht und uns an der Grenze mit den Formalitäten geholfen hat. Grenze Benin/Togo von Polizei beim Fotografieren erwischt. Ob ich Genehmigung habe, in ein Häuschen mitgenommen, am Ende aber Spass gemacht und Whatsapp Nr. getauscht. Strandspaziergang in Aneho und Ausblicke von der Brücke. Mit britischem Boss vom Oasis Hotel mut seinem Trike-Pick up zurück zur Grenze zur Taxi Brousse Station für Transport nach Agbodrafo Hotel Le Lac Paradise zum Trinken und relaxen gegangen, dabei wurde uns Krokodil gezeigt. Mit Motorboot vom Hotel Le Lac nach Togoville Christopher unser Togoville Guide hat mit uns seine Familie mit seinem 11 Tage Babyboy besucht. im Coco Beach das erste Mal im Meer gebadet, relaxt, TogoDeutsches Bier getrunken und Crevettes und Fischfilet am Abend beim Hotel gegessen Sehr viele Containerschiffe draussen am Meer. Mit Motorradtaxi ca. 8km am Strand entlang zum Frühstück. Gutes Französische Frühstück Cafe au Lait, Pain au Chocolat, Croissant im Saveurs du Monde. Polizist wollte uns aufs Kommissiarat mitnehmen, weil ich das österr. Konsulat in Lome fotografiert und irgendwo ganz klein ein Soldat am Bild zu sehen war. Ich musste schliesslich 10.000 CFA ist 15 euro zahlen. Reine Abzocke. Am Lome Markt will jeder Geld, egal was ich fotografiere. auch die kirche, aber keiner darf am bild zu sehen sein. ist reine geschäftemacherei. fast unmöglich zu fotografieren. Palais des Gouvernors, nur wir da, mit 3000 CFA p.P. Viele nette Schulkinder , Fotos gemacht, gewunken und gesungen. Mittagessen sehr guten Fisch im Maquis Restaurant gegenüber Seaside Hotel am Beach. Sehr einfache Verhältnisse, langes warten, aber gut. lange mit Ercan Skype gechattet. Fetischmarkt Akodésséwa .. auch beim jungen Voodoo Priester gewesen. Alt München, Dt..Bierlokal mit Gastgarten und Restaurant in Lome, 0.5 l bier für 3500 CFA, ist fast 6 euro. Toyota Corolla Liftback in Lome gesehen. also mein altes auto. Sehr gute Pasta mit Garnelen bei Marcelo Beach gegessen, dazu Live Musik. Vorher dort relaxt und im Meer gebadet. Am Abend rasante Motorradfahrt vom Marcelo Beach zurück zum Hotel. Erstmals total bei Nacht. Nachteil Togo/Benin: Man bekommt grosse Banknoten und keiner kann Wechselgeld geben. Auch im Lokal wartet man ewig aufs Wechselgeld oder man bekommt es gar nicht. Ausserdem sehr langes Warten aufs Essen nach Bestellung. Mit 2 Motorrad Taxi zum Airport Lome. S.F. machte auf halber Strecke schlapp! -----------------------

Hotels: 1. und 2. Nacht Hotel Riviera Benin, in Cotonou 3. Nacht, Resort Casa del Papa 4. Nacht: Hotel Oasis, Aneho 5. und 6. Nacht: Coco Beach Hotel, Lome (Coco Beach)

Restaurants: Trinken im Le Lac Hotel, Cotonou und Tahiti Hotel in Cotonou AbendEssen im Le Pirogue in Cotonou Roi de Shawarma zu Mittag, Cotonou Maquis de Port, Abends, Cotonou Zinsou Museum Mittagessen I Restarant L' Amicale, Ouidah Casa del Papa, Abendessen, Ouidah Auberge de Grand Popo, Mittagessen, Grand Popo Hotel Oasis, Abendessen und Frühstück Hotel le Lac Paradis, Mittagessen Agbodrafo Hotel Coco Beach. Abendessen, Coco Beach bei Lome Saveurs du Monde, Frühstück, Lome Maquis ganz einfaches Strandlokal gegenüber dem Seaside Hotel, Lome Alt München, Biertrinken, Lome Marcelo Beach Club, Abendessen, Marcelo Beach bei Lome Hotol Coco Beach, Frühstück


------------------------- Sights Cotonou, Amazone Monument Fetisch Markt und Markt Dantopka Notre Dame Katedrale Ganvie Stelzendorf Obama Beach Sights Porto Novo Place Toffa Zangbeto Monument Iya Abi Mesan Central Grand Mosque Sights Ouidah Katedrale Zinsou Museum Foundation Sacred Forrest Point of no Return Tree Portugues Fort Route of Slaves Point of no Return Monument Python Temple Sights Grand Popo Auberge de Grand Popo Mono River mit dem Motorrad Sights Aneho Fischerhafen mit Hotel du Ville Strand mit türkisem Wasser Deutsche Kirche Sights Lake Togo: Hotel le Lac Paradise, Agbodrafo Togoville (Kirche, Vodoo Schreine, Besuch Fam. von Christoph) Sights Lome Coco Beach mit Coco Beach Hotel Grand Marche Lome Sacre Coeurs Katedrale, Lome Independence Square mit Monument Hotel 2 Fevrier, Lome Le Palais des Gouverneurs Beaches und Maquis Restaurant gegenüber Seaside Rest. nahe Grenze zu Ghana Fetischmarkt Akodésséwa Alt München, Dt. Restaurant ----------


Benin Telefonie: ein ab sms € 1,50 / 3,- / 0,50 Togo € 0,90 / 1,50 / 0,30 Surfen im Ausland deaktivieren aktuelle zeit vergleich mit Öster. Addis Abeba + 2 Std. Cotonou: 0 Std. Lome: - 1 Std.


---------------------------------- Benin und Togo sind weitgehend unbekannte Länder in Westafrika und vor allem wegen seiner lebendig gelebten Traditionen, Vodoo-Geister, ehemaligen Sklavenjäger und kulturellen Vielfalt bekannt. Ausserdem finden sich hier endlos lange von Tourismus noch unberührte Strände mit vielen Kokospalmen und Mangroven. Nützliche Info. Benin https://beyondbabeesh.com/backpacking-benin-travel-guide-itinerary/ How to get to Ganvié: Take a moto (or a Zem as they call it) to the Étoile Rouge (Red Star monument in the middle of town that is the departure point for plenty of bush taxis that will take you around the region). It should be less than 500 CFA to go there from any point in town. From the Étoile Rouge, take a shared taxi (taxi brousse) to Calavi for 500 CFA. From there you just walk down the street for about 5 minutes until you get to the launching point for the boats to Ganvié. How much it costs to visit Ganvié: To visit Ganvié, you can pay either for a motorboat or a canoe (pirogue in French). The motorboat tour costs 10,500 CFA and the canoe costs 8000. You also need to pay for a guide/ government fee which turns out to be 4500 CFA. You will also be expected to tip your guide. It is much more cost effective to go in a group than to go alone ,........ Cost of visiting Abomey Entrance to the palaces is 2,000 CFA. Entrance to the museum is 2,500 CFA. How to get to Abomey If you are going to Abomey from Cotonou, a bush taxi to Abomey should cost between 2,500 and 3,000 CFA. The drive should take two to three hours but always prepare for it taking longer. You can find the bush taxis to Abomey at the Stade d’Amitié or along Ave Van Vollenhoven near the Gare Jonquet. But you can pretty much catch any bush taxi going in that direction and they will let you off at least at the town called Bohicon and then you can just find another shared taxi to Abomey! A shared taxi between Abomey and Bohicon should cost 500 CFA. A Zem/moto should cost 1200-1500 CFA. The ride takes around 15 minutes. ........ How to get to Ouidah How to travel to Ouidah from Cotonou: You can pretty much take any bush taxi going on the main highway towards Togo. I got one from the Etoile Rouge no problem. It takes about an hour and cost soomething like 1,500 CFA. You can also get them from the Gare de Jonquet. How to travel to Ouidah from Grand Popo or from Togo: Just go along the main highway that leads to Cotonou and grab a bush taxi from there. How to travel to Ouidah from the north (for example how to get to Ouidah from Bohicon or Abomey): Take any Bush Taxi heading south on RNIE2 towards Cotonou. You can either change at Cotonou or change bush taxis at Allada to go directly to Ouidah. ....... How to get to Grand Popo Any bush taxi going in between Cotonou and the Togolese border will be able to drop you off at Grand Popo. If you are outside of Cotonou, you can just flag down any bush taxi passing by on the national highway. In Cotonou, you can find these cars at the Etoile Rouge, Stade de l’Amitié, or Gare Jonquet. Note that the hotels are spread out along the beach. I would check on Google Maps to see how far your hotel may be from the highway. You may need to take a Zem to travel those last final kilometers to arrive at your hotel! Grand Popo is literally a simple turnoff from the highway and the streets are pretty sparse. If you aren’t vigilant your bush taxi could just pass it by! The drive should take 2 hours from Cotonou, and 45 minutes from Ouidah. Grand Popo is only 20 km east of the craziness of the border with Togo. It is a great final stop in Benin before heading to Togo, or a great first stop in Benin if you are coming from Togo. Things to do in and around Grand Popo Other than being lazy next to one of Benin’s best beaches, there are some activities that more energetic people can do in the area. You could take a pirogue (canoe) trip up the river for about 2 hours (should cost between 5000 and 7000 CFA) , or take a motor boat all the way to where the river meets the ocean , called the Bouche du Roy. ,........ To get to Porto Novo from Cotonou, you can find bush taxis at the Gare Jonquet or the Gare du Dantokpa. It takes around 45 minutes and should cost around 700 CFA. You could probably find a bush taxi at the Etoile Rouge if you just ask around. To get to Cotonou from Porto Novo you can find a bush taxi in front of the Ouando Mosque or at the Carrefour Catchi. To get to Natitingou buses also leave from near the Ouando Mosque. ,........ How to get to the border with Togo: I wanted to write about entering Togo in this Benin travel guide. If you cross from the less popular border in the north near Boukoumbé, remember that you will need to do your border formalities at the police station in Natitingou! The Togo-Benin border in the south that connects Cotonou with Lomé is a pretty straightforward border. The bush taxis that come from both Lomé and Cotonou do not cross the border. You need to get out and walk. Don’t listen to the moto drivers saying they need to drive you farther because it is a very easy walk. If you are crossing the Benin-Togo border from the Benin side, you get your exit stamp from the office to the left before you cross. When you enter Togo, you have the option to buy a visa. They also check your yellow fever certificate. They actually give out the vaccinations at the border for the equivalent of 10 euros or something…ughhhh why did I pay 60 euros in France for the same thing?! ,...... wiki voyage cotonou By zemidjanEdit Moto taxis - locally called zemidjans or kekenos, are the most common form of transportation for the average Beninese person. These are very popular, and while not unique to Benin, are probably more highly concentrated here than anywhere in the world. Fares are negotiable, and there are no meters. The minimum fare is 100 CFA. Expect to pay about 100 CFA per kilometer. As long as you're staying within central Cotonou, the fare should not exceed 400 CFA. Bring a helmet along or buy one once you get to Cotonou - it's absolutely essential for your safety, and even with a helmet riding a zemidjan (or "zem") is much more dangerous than driving a car. However, many visitors to Benin, especially budget travelers and thrill-seekers, will take a zem at some point - it's simply not practical to avoid using zems without your own car, and the short hail times and door-to-door service make zems a highly functional mode of transport for many. By taxiEdit Conventional drop taxis taking you directly to your destination like you might find in New York or London are not the norm in Benin - most taxi drivers wait at fixed intersections for passengers willing to rent the entire vehicle. Dantokpa market, the Étoile Rouge roundabout, or Gare de Jonquet bus station are the most likely places you can find taxis, although other secondary junctions may also have taxi drivers available during the day. Many people know a taxi driver whom they contact by phone or WhatsApp when they need one, so you can get in touch with a driver by asking around. However, they will generally not be interested in short intercity trips - preferring passengers to hire a taxi for several hours at a time. Still, figure about 3000 CFA for a 30 minute voyage, or 10000-15000 CFA to rent a cab for a few hours. Keep in mind that most taxis are in a decrepit condition. The exceptions are taxis available at major hotels (such as the Novotel or Azalaï) or the airport; these are usually late-model compact cars, but figure to pay at least double and up to 4-5 times the above prices. They also head east, crossing the lagoon to Akpakpa. Bush taxis also follow this route. Keep in mind that taxis often cram two passengers in the front and four in the back, though you can double your fare if you want more comfort - so if you have a group of three or more, you may want to negotiate with the driver to take you to your exact destination. Some Cotonois will take the taxis (which are safer than zems, and marginally cheaper) for as much of their way as they can, then hail a zem to the destination. In 2021, an Uber-like application called Gozem was introduced in Cotonou. With this app you can order a zemidjan or conventional taxi from your phone, and link your credit card to the app to avoid the hassle of negotiation and the potential for getting ripped off. For a 10-minute ride in a taxi with the app, plan to pay around 1700 CFA, or about 200 CFA for a zem. In addition to taxi services, Gozem also offers food and grocery delivery.